
How To Save Thousands Of Dollars On Your Invisalign Treatment

One of the best tooth alignment procedures available is Invisalign. Patients frequently ask us at Berryessa Dental how much Invisalign will cost them. We are often asked, “Is Invisalign expensive? Does it merit it?” We won’t merely clarify the therapy for you in this post. To prevent paying too much while still receiving the maximum benefit from your treatment. What Is Invisalign Invisalign teeth aligners may be the answer for you if you have crooked teeth and ... Continue Reading →

Celebrating National Gum Care Month


September is the month that is celebrated as National Gum Care Month. As dentists, our main aim is to treat our patients all through the year to help them avoid most of the oral health issues, like gum disease. This month is solely dedicated to raising awareness, which can be used to think about some of the fundamentals of achieving and maintaining optimal oral health. This blog highlights the significance of healthy gums and some easy strategies to avoid gum ...

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Change the way you smile with affordable dental implant treatment!

Different things can bring change in our life. But, if you want to live your life to the fullest, a great-looking smile has no comparison. It boosts your confidence and makes you feel better.  However, if you have missing teeth, smiling can be embarrassing. There are other struggles like difficulty in chewing your favorite food or speaking comfortably. Want to know what can bring a huge difference?  Dental implants!  Before we move on to ... Continue Reading →

Know 6 vital facts about Root Canal Treatment in San Jose!

Does the mention of the word root canal run your blood cold? However, in reality, patients find the procedure pretty comfortable against the thought they had.  Let’s get to know 6 important facts regarding Root canal before visiting a root canal dentist in San Jose     1. Root canal affects what part of your teeth?  The pulp is the soft substance inside every tooth made from nerves, blood vessels and tissues. These pulp ... Continue Reading →

How can Invisalign braces in San Jose ameliorate your oral health?

You must’ve heard of Invisalign! This ingenious orthodontic procedure aligns teeth and addresses misalignment and bites issues without resorting to traditional metal braces. The metal braces accompany several limitations like diet restrictions, difficulty in cleaning and mostly the unsightly appearance. Invisalign braces let you avoid such issues. Initially, Invisalign was regarded as a cosmetic solution. However, a straighter smile symbolizes a healthy smile and Invisalign braces in SanJose offer effective, functional and improved ... Continue Reading →

An ultimate guide on Cosmetic dentistry and it’s different types

  A smile is an essential part of your life. If you can flaunt a smile you love, your self-confidence is automatically improved. Cosmetic dentistry enhances the way your smile appears when you talk and smile. Do you feel embarrassed when you smile? Book your appointment with our best San Jose cosmetic dentist, Dr. Shimizu, at Berryessa Dental and reinvent beautiful smiles.  We offer a wide array of San Jose ... Continue Reading →

Get Dental Implants in San Jose Today for a Brand New Smile!

Dental implants are one of the best replacement options for one or more missing teeth. They are safe, sturdy, reliable, and have a high success rate.  To know whether the treatment is suitable for you or not, visit a dental implants dentist in San Jose

Since 1960, implant technology has proven successful in replacing one or more missing teeth in both the jaws by implanting titanium posts in the ...

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Know whether Invisalign braces in San Jose are right for you or not!

Do you think of getting orthodontic treatment but take a step back because of ugly metal braces? Most of us know only traditional metal braces to fix the teeth alignment, but dental science has advanced a lot by offering many other discreet options. Invisalign braces in San Jose are one among them. They straighten your teeth without the discomfort of wires and brackets and coming into the notice of anyone. What issues can Invisalign ... Continue Reading →

Different Types & Techniques of Implant Dentistry

Dental implants in San Jose, like all places, come in different types and the treatment can be carried out in various ways. A dental implants dentist in San Jose can help you determine the type and technique that would suit you the best. Our implant specialist has explained the types and techniques below.

Kinds of Dental Implants

Dental implants are mainly of two types: Endosteal – These implants are most commonly used for replacing missing teeth. They are essentially small titanium ...

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Get perfect smiles with Porcelain Veneers

Have you been noticing cracks on the surface of your teeth or your smile just got discoloured due to stains? If yes, you need a solution to this because you can’t be disgruntled about the appearance of your smile. Porcelain Veneers are the perfect solution to cover up these flaws and offer you an amazing smile. Visit us at Berryessa Dental and get quality porcelain dental veneers in San Jose for your amazing smile. Before getting ...

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Ways to find relief for your TMJ pain

Do you suffer from temporomandibular joint and muscle disorder? You don’t have to suffer anymore. There are several options to make symptoms like jaw pain, headache, muscle spasms and dizziness manageable. You can ask your TMJ expert regarding it. Here are some of the ways to get relief from TMJ pain. Mouthguards  Mouthguards are used to treat people having bruxism which is actually extensive grinding or clenching. There are people affected with TMD who clench their teeth while ... Continue Reading →

Teenagers – Don’t Overlook Your Oral Health

YOUR SMILE is one of the first things people notice about you, which is why it’s so important to take care of it. Cavities aren’t just for little kids; you can get them at any age! When you consume sugary foods, soda, juice or energy drinks, you put yourself at risk for tooth decay and gum disease. Be smart and always brush your teeth twice a day for at least two minutes and floss once a day (ADA recommended).

Bottom Line For ...

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How Oral Health Can Affect Your Overall Health

Your oral health can affect your overall health in numerous ways because problems that begin in your mouth can affect the rest of your body, says San Jose dentist Dr. Shimizu.   This is why it is so important to be aware of things like tooth decay, periodontal gum issues, as well as lingering sores in your mouth or throat. This awareness can allow you to take the appropriate action to remedy the problems in your mouth which ultimately will contribute ...

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